From Row Ag PhosZyme 2.2KG
From Row Ag PhosZyme 2.2KG
PhosZyme is a performance enhancing biostimulant that enhances water activity and uptake.
Mannanase enhances water activity and uptake. As the plant rhizosphere naturally exudes starches to drive water into the xylem, mannanase breaks down these starches, increasing the osmotic potential and enhancing water uptake. As more sugars are released back to the plant, this increases root growth and boosts microbial activity.
Phosphatase frees up phosphorus that is bound to cations in the substrate. When applied to the substrate, it weakens the bonds between phosphorus and its companion ions, rendering previously inaccessible fertilizer immediately plant bio-available. This increases the uptake and availability of phosphorus.
N - P - K 12 - 58 - 0
Fully Soluble
Can be used with any medium or irrigation system
Ideal Stacking and Internodal Space
"No Mess" powder free consistency
Food Grade Pink Dye